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Welcome, techies!

😢 Isn't it sad that log aggregation, search, and visualization isn't a solved problem in !?! Taming logs is a chore! Over the years, we've tried it all:
  • Lazily doing a distributed grep on in-place logs
  • Shipping files to NFS and manually grepping through it
  • Baby-sitting our own elastic clusters with TBs of logs 😫
  • 💥 Watching elastic break during unexpected app load spikes, and then not having logs to discover why 😡
  • Waiting forever ⏳ to visualize queries with 100s of millions of hits
  • Paying a small fortune 💰 every month for a cloud log service (and then having to aggressively filter data and reduce retention to keep costs down)
  • Wrestling with field configs and manual parsing rules 🛠️
etc. etc. Sound familiar?

SparkLogs is a cloud-first log management platform that is limitless (petabyte-scale), easy (schemaless + auto-extract), affordable (ingest everything), and a joy to use (cross-platform modern UX).

The app is currently invite-only. Passionate about logging?
Chat with us to request early access, or follow along